We are so excited to say thank you to our blogger friend Jen from
whyyyjen , for passing the Liebster award to us. The Liedster award is for bloggers with less then 200 followers and is passed from blogger to blogger. So lets get started. :)
We pass this award to:
Kristin Weber
Natalie Lloyd.
The next part of the award is to answer questions from the blogger who passed it to you.
Who/what inspired you to create your blog?
We started our blog because of our family's encouragement to start one.
How did you come up with your blog name?
We knew that we wanted this blog to be about our life and to hopefully touch someone on the way. But we could not think of what to call it , so it was our mom's idea to call it R Life as TwinZ.
What is your favorite food and/or drink?
Twin A: Having a sweet tooth the size of Texas, all sweets are my favorite.( oh, and BACON)
Twin B: Growing up in a family that loves to cook I don't really have a favorite type of food, but my favorite snack that I have to have before bed is a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a glass of almond chocolate milk. =D
What's your hidden talent?
Our hidden talent is that we can read each others mind. Like right now my sister is thinking of Skittles.
(It's an inside joke)
If you could choose one vacation spot in the entire world, where would you go and why?
That's an easy one, France. It's a place we have been dreaming of going for a long time. We even took French in high school. Je parle francais.
What's the weirdest or most exotic thing you've ever eaten?
We can't say we've been brave enough to try something exotic, but the weirdest thing we've ever eaten is ketchup on broccoli. And we love it.
Which is your color that best describes you?
Twin A: purple and sparkle. Purple because it is my favorite color and sparkle because I sparkle.
Twin B: Pink because it is my favorite color and it's a happy, girly color.
Would you rather be blind, deaf, or mute?
We both agree that we'll rather be blind having volunteered with the blind kids olympics. Being with them was such a blessing , we learned so much from them.
What's your current outfit?